Automatically login to check mail

Can I use Outlook to automatically login and check my AOL mail without having to establish a connection manually?

Outlook does have a mechanism for starting an internet connection when checking for mail. This setting has to be enabled for each account that is configured in Outlook.

You need to follow the instructions available at for configuring a account in Outlook. If you have done this already, you can follow these steps to automatically connect when checking for mail.

1. From the Tools menu of Outlook, select Accounts.

2. Select the account that you want to modify and click on the properties button.

3. Go straight to the Connection tab and choose this option – Connect using my phone line and select the Dialup Networking connection as America Online.

outlook2000_03_01.gif (7880 bytes)

Click OK and try checking for mail. Outlook should automatically try to initiate a internet connection if your are not connected.

AOL Mail POP3 SMTP Agent - eNetBot Mail